Discover the healing power of Cordyceps sinensis

Cordyceps sinensis

Entdecken Sie die Heilkraft von Vitalpilzen wie Cordyceps sinensis

In den Höhenlagen Tibets, etwa 4.000 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel, wächst eine erstaunliche Pflanze: Cordyceps sinensis. Diese “höhere Pilzart” wird seit Jahrhunderten in der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin verwendet und gilt als einer der wertvollsten Heilpilze. Doch was macht Cordyceps sinensis so besonders?

Origin and growth

Cordyceps sinensis thrives under extreme climatic conditions on the Tibetan plateaus. During the warm season, a spore of the Cordyceps fungus falls on the larva of a special butterfly, Hepialide. The fungus begins to germinate and uses the larva as a source of nutrients. When the fungus reaches the surface, it attaches itself to the roots of the grass and absorbs nutrients. Thanks to this unique way of life and the reduced oxygen conditions at high altitudes, Cordyceps sinensis stores an astonishing amount of energy.

Historical significance

In the eastern hemisphere, Cordyceps sinensis has always been regarded as the most valuable of all plants. In China, it was referred to as a "gift from the gods" and a "miracle talisman", as no other plant has more healing properties. Cordyceps was particularly prized by emperors and their families.

Health benefits

Cordyceps sinensis is a powerful antioxidant and contains beta-carotene (provitamin A), vitamins E and C, numerous minerals, selenium, zinc, coenzyme Q10, immunomodulating polysaccharides and many other important substances. It contains 77 micro- and macronutrients, over 80 types of enzymes, essential amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids. Scientific studies have shown that Cordyceps has a very strong positive effect on the immune system thanks to its unique polysaccharide complex.

Protection against diseases

Cordyceps sinensis is the only plant that has an anti-tumour effect as well as specific protection against cancer. It increases the body's resistance to various internal and external influences and has strong anti-allergic properties. The use of Cordyceps products activates self-cleansing mechanisms in the human body, whereby toxic substances such as intestinal toxins, drug residues, radionuclides, heavy metals and salts are eliminated in a natural way.

Natural antibiotic

Cordyceps sinensis acts as a natural antibiotic and inhibits the multiplication of pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci and many other germs. It also affects a variety of viruses, including adenoviruses, influenza, hepatitis, herpes and atypical pneumonia. Cordyceps products are administered to HIV carriers as part of combination therapy and have a strong effect on protozoa, helminths and fungi.

Cardiovascular health

Cordyceps sinensis behandelt wirksam Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, indem er den Blutfluss reguliert, die Elastizität der Blutgefäßwände verbessert und das Risiko von Gefäßverstopfungen reduziert. Weiterhin normalisiert er die Mikroflora der Haut, des Rachens und der Atemwege, reguliert die Nierenfunktion und den Stoffwechsel.

Prevention and rejuvenation

Cordyceps products are often used to prevent diseases and promote health. They rejuvenate the entire body and its systemic functions and trigger self-regulating mechanisms. When Cordyceps is used in combination with conventional medications, it often increases the effectiveness of these treatments and reduces possible side effects.

Ernte und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung

The harvest of Cordyceps sinensis usually starts at the beginning of May and lasts until mid-June. For many Tibetans in the provinces of Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai and Yunnan, the harvest of Cordyceps is the most important source of income. Production on the Tibetan plateaus amounts to around 100 to 200 tonnes per year, which corresponds to a value of 350 to 700 million euros.

The high demand and price of Cordyceps sinensis, which can reach up to 40,000 euros per kilogramme for the highest quality, has made it one of the most profitable businesses in Tibet. About 40% of the cash income of Tibet's rural population comes from the harvest and trade of Cordyceps, making this business more important than industry and mining combined.

What do we learn from this?

Cordyceps sinensis is not only a fascinating mushroom with a unique way of life, but also a valuable remedy with a multitude of health benefits. From boosting the immune system to treating cardiovascular disease and helping to prevent cancer, Cordyceps sinensis is a truly miraculous remedy from the heights of Tibet.

Find out more about the amazing benefits of this medicinal mushroom and how it can improve your wellbeing by incorporating Cordyceps products into your daily health routine.


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