
FOHOW SAN QING Oral Liquid | 4x 30ml

SKU F007 Categories ,

Base price: 341,67 / 1000 ml

41,00 incl. VAT.

If you suffer from constipation and high cholesterol, FOHOW SAN QING Oral Liquid can be recommended. It is also very effective for gastrointestinal inflammation, acne and pigmentation spots. This product provides a complete detoxification, especially if the elixir is taken at the same time as the Fruit paste "the phoenix rose" is used.

20 in stock (can be backordered)

Product contains: 120 ml

Delivery time: 5 - 14 days



Fohow San Qing / Sanqing
If you suffer from constipation and high cholesterol, FOHOW SAN QING Oral Liquid can be recommended. It is also very effective for gastrointestinal inflammation, acne and pigmentation spots. This product provides detoxification, especially if the elixir is taken at the same time as the Fruit paste "the phoenix rose" is used.

The preparation effect of Sanqing:

  • After 2-3 hours from taking the first dose, faecal softening begins in the intestine (proctostasis is combated), symptoms of meteorism appear.
  • After 2-3 days of taking the product, the proctostasis control begins. The faecal masses fall off the intestinal wall. The patient feels the urge to defecate (the faeces are liquid), the defecation is quite strong. The faeces are dark in colour and have a foul odour.
  • After 4-10 days of taking the preparation, the symptoms of gastrointestinal inflammation are alleviated. Bad breath disappears, constipation and diarrhoea are gradually eliminated. The formation of faeces is normalised and stools are formed.
  • After 2-3 treatment cycles with this preparation, the gastrointestinal functions are noticeably normalised, defecation is regular, easy and problem-free. The thickening of the skin caused by constipation and toxin accumulation is gradually reduced. The colour of the face improves - it becomes pink. Mouth odour is normal, pigment spots, acne, rashes are cured because the cause of the disease is eliminated. was eliminated.


As a rule: 10 days, 1 ampoule daily. To intensify the effect, a 3-day break between cycles is recommended. Cleansing cycle: at least 15 days.

Please note: you can start taking the preparation with a smaller dose, e.g. half an ampoule, if a visible effect has already been seen in the first week.

The product is particularly recommended for people suffering from constipation. It is also recommended in the case of an unbalanced, high-fat diet and associated functional disorders of the digestive tract. It is also recommended for general fatigue and loss of vitality. The cleansing of the organism and detoxification are optimised when taken at the same time as the Meigui fruit paste strengthened. The FOHOW SAN QIN elixir for oral intake has a threefold effect: it cleanses the intestines, detoxifies the body and cleanses the blood of excess lipids. It is the most effective "cleansing preparation" in China.

The FOHOW SAN QIN elixir for oral administration is produced by cryoextracting the cell membranes of natural herbal ingredients from traditional Chinese medicine. This is followed by extraction and thickening.

The ingredients of the product include

- Extract from the Lion's Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus);

- Thick juice made from aloe pulp (a type of aloe vera called aloecuracao);

- an anthocyanidin-rich extract of Kamchatka honeysuckle, also known as Siberian blueberry (Lonicera caerulea);

- Oligosaccharides

Thanks to the use of advanced technologies, the finished product Fohow San Quing contains all the active substances of the raw materials that are easily assimilated by the body. The dietary supplement is a completely natural product intended for nutrition during the restoration of health. It cleanses the body, but does not lead to harmful diarrhoea, which causes the loss of electrolytes, vitamins, microelements and nutrients. The old saying goes: "If you want to live long - keep your bowels clean, if you want to live very long - keep your bowels empty!"

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