Discover the Fohow Elixir "Phoenix", a powerful bio-immune regulator that strengthens your health and improves your well-being. This unique elixir combines highly effective ingredients such as Chinese Cordyceps, Shiitake, Linchzhi, Astragalus and Goya to strengthen your immune system and improve your defence against colds and viral diseases.
In one package you get six bottles of 30 ml, which contain all the necessary substances to restore the normal functioning of your body. The elixir "Phoenix" has a positive effect on many types of cancer at different stages of the disease.
Phoenix is not only an effective cancer preventative and treatment, but also supports your immune system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system and liver. It helps regulate blood sugar in diabetes and is effective against fatigue and overexertion. This product can be stored at room temperature.
Experience the many benefits of the Fohow Elixir "Phoenix" and convince yourself of its versatile effect on your health. Increase your quality of life, improve your nutrition and sleep, and boost your physical strength.
Don't wait any longer to experience the benefits of this powerful elixir. Take the opportunity to boost your health now! You can order the Fohow Elixir "Phoenix" today.